徐婷Hsu, Ting《水泥牆面》
《水泥牆面》Cement Wall Surface,藝術微噴、鋁裱Giclée Print, Aluminum Frame,60.7x44.7x4cm(x2pcs),2020
Using photography as her main creative medium, Ting Hsu transforms real shooting scenes into abstract language and develops flat photographic images into spatial installations. Ting Hsu is good at using site-specific production methods, integrating images and spatial relationships of different dimensions, reflecting on the aspects of photography and reality, and creating an imaging experience that spans vision and body.
2021 「平行宇宙」,漁光島藝術節,臺南,臺灣
2020 「Bright Dissolution 化在陽光裡」- 徐婷個展,總爺藝文中心,臺南,臺灣
2020 「Paper Art Project」,木木藝術,臺南,臺灣
2020 「知識的幻覺空間」,寶藏巖國際藝術村,臺北,臺灣
2019 「04:53:77」- 徐婷個展,伊通公園,臺北,臺灣
2019 「MOVE」,Maxilla Space,倫敦,英國
2019 「[不]可見的緯度」,加力畫廊,臺南,臺灣
2019 「自成徑─臺灣境派藝術 系列二」,伊通公園,臺北,臺灣
2018 「As_: The blink of an eye」- 徐婷個展,Lewisham Art House Gallery, 倫敦, 英國
2018 「Shapes of Grey」,SU Exhibition & Project Space, 倫敦, 英國
2021 "Parallel Universe", YuGuang Island Art Festival, Tainan, Taiwan
2020 "Bright Dissolution" - Hsu Ting solo exhibition, Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center, Tainan, Taiwan
2020 "Paper Art Project", MuMu Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2020 "The Illusion of Truth", Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 "04:53:77" - Hsu Ting solo exhibition, IT Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 "MOVE", Maxilla Space, London, UK
2019 "Invisible Dimensions", Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan
2019 "Sui Generis: Jing-Pai of Taiwan Part II", IT Park Art House, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 "As_: The blink of an eye" - Hsu Ting solo exhibition, Lewisham Art House Gallery, London, UK
2018 "Shapes of Grey", SU Exhibition & Project Space, London, UK